Category: Writing

Open Government book from O’Reilly

This book Open Government, which publisher O’Reilly released to memorialize hacker Aaron Swartz, is just a fantastic smorgasbord of writing about government and participation and technology, some of it dated or auxiliary but all top notch and thought-provoking. Particularly, so far, Beth Noveck’s chapter on deliberative versus collaborative government. Hope to write more reading notes […]

Wiley Cash’s Old School Book Tour

Wiley Cash says discussing his first novel A Land More Kind Than Home in front of novelist Clyde Edgerton is like “playing basketball in front of Michael Jordan.” It’s a perfect analogy. Direct, local, populist but incisive. Like Clyde Edgerton, Michael Jordan is a Wilmington, NC hero – our town hero! They are both friendly, earnest, regular guys who’ve made it onto the national stage. Wiley Cash is like this too. Listening to him, one feels connected – to the places described in his novel, towns like ours, to the characters, to the author himself. The analogy works because it reveals as much about its creator and his plain-spoken, working-man smarts as it does about the business of writing novels or anything else.